Busy Busy and umm, busy

Well I didn’t forget to update my blog I just didn’t have the time. It’s finals week and what can I say? GO LAKERS! Seriously though, school is almost over and I have one more final left to finish. Fell behind on a few things, keeping up with my e-mails being one, sorry Sarah. I haven’t had time to do much of anything photography related, however, I did take a few minutes to “re-access” the goals of my blog. In addition to keeping a record of the progress I make, sharing my photo-related endeavors as well as the techniques behind them I’ve also decided to add product reviews. I think this would be helpful for those who are getting into photography, deciding on adding new gear or perhaps going to the next level, for those who read my blog. I’m not rich and I don’t exactly get new gear everyday (although Nicole would disagree), I do try to get what I think is necessary and beneficial in my photography experiments whether store bought or self made. I could definitely improve my writing skills too…
So I leave you with another picture. This one taken going 105MPH on the 10 freeway West, just kidding! I thought this picture accurately represents what my catch phrase is on my blog, EYES: “Express Yourself for Everyone to See, your world through your EYES.” Everyday we describe things, to our friends, family and others with words expressed in different languages, tones, an/or several text messages, etc. We can’t really say what we see or what we think in an accurate manner because our language does limit us in many ways. This is one of the values of photography, we can show someone a photograph and instantly without words they see what we see (unless you are taking those tricky ones). I still remember one of things Genaro Molina spoke of when I first met him, whenever you take a picture, you are recording history, a moment in time that will never ever happen again. So, for those of us who try or can express ourselves successfully through photography there is a sense of satisfaction, accomplishment and joy that can’t be explained and is the reason many of us love photography. So this is what the picture above represents, a moment in time that I could not describe to you however articulate I may be, the world through my eyes.

PS: (I wasn’t wearing glasses at the time) :]

Leave a comment if you care.

Royal Pirates Behind the Scenes

I didn’t get a chance to go out and shoot something today. I spent alot of today studying for my finals and reading up on HDR photography. So I left you guys with some pictures from behind the scenes of the Royal Pirates Music Video “Disappear”. I had the opportunity to shoot behind the scenes of the music video back in March of 2010. The music video was shot at Linda Vista Hospital (abandoned), several films have been shot there as well. Expect a few HDRs to come up soon. 😛

Royal Pirates – Disappear Music Video, directed by Steve Hwang. Music Video can be seen here:


Well yesterday I didn’t get a chance to update my blog because I was occupied the entire day. In the morning I met up with someone who wanted to buy my battery grip off craigslist. I was sad to part with it but it had to be done…to fund THIS LENS^ (Above). I welcome my first L lens to my gear, a 24-105mm F4L lens that I have been eyeballing for some time now. I got it on craigslist from a man named Eugene who was nice enough to meet me at Samy’s in Los Angeles, unfortunately he got a speeding ticket on the way there… sorry Eugene. He was nice enough to give me a extra lens cap, designed like Nikon’s  lens caps, which I consider to be a much better design.
Afterwards, I went to celebrate my sister’s boyfriends birthday (Adam), eating pizza and watching the Lakers eliminate the Suns in Game 6. Bring it on Boston!!!!! I didn’t get home till about 1:00AM so I really didn’t have a chance to get to shoot anything. Oh, another thing, Farrah came over to Adam’s house  and she brought Anastasia with her. It was kind of surreal, I have never seen a baby only a few weeks after birth. Congratulations again Farrah!

So the photography portion of today’s blog:
Today I finally had the chance to finish my product box, and improve on its design. It’s basically where I take all my product shots with and I’ll explain to you how its made so that maybe you too can make one.
And if you already didn’t know, this is what I used to take the 24-105 lens above. I don’t have any particular steps written down, so I’ll try to explain to you how I made it so that you could probably try to mimic it. I took 4 pieces of white cardboard (known as “foam core”) each about 15 x 15 inches. I used an exacto knife (beware: extremely sharp) to cut about 1.5 inches away from the edges of each board to make the frame. I used transparent tape to stick them all together (this is important because using duck tape may leave undesired outlines and shadows in the background). Then I used wax paper (parchment paper) as the backdrop. For the doors, I took out the center portions of each board I cut out and then trimmed away another half inch frame (three of them, back and two sides). Afterwards using just tac pins I attached the smaller frames with the paper and secure the backdrop in place. The smaller frames can be inserted securely with easy if you cut them right, the material’s core has lots of friction so they don’t fall out.
The purpose of having the smaller frames is so that I can change the material and paper easily without waste. I could easily have just covered both sides on the main frame with parchment paper as I did with an earlier models but found them loose and insecure. The doors also give you the opportunity to change different colored paper for whatever effect you desire. Parchment paper is rather cheap and diffuses light very easily. I’ve used two 580EX II’s on each side and have gotten very nice results. As you can tell the back portion of the frame is also cut out so you have the option of placing lights on all sides of the box. Well I hope you found this helpful.

This is Farrah

This was my first time doing a maternity shoot and first time using a Canon speedlite with umbrella combo. Farrah is actually a friend of sisters (who is 2 years older than me) back in her elementary school days and I still remember her since we all went to the same school. I was invited to take a few shots at her house since my sister still kept in touch with her and loves me so much to ask Farrah if she’d like a few portrait shots. Luckily, my umbrella came the day before the shoot so I had a chance to experiment with it on my dog Cookie.
The shoot consisted of two days, 2.5 hours each, my 5DMKII, one 580EXII(Nicole’s), 24-70 2.8(William’s), 70-200F4 IS(Nicole’s), and a cheap lightstand and umbrella. I think Farrah might have been caught of guard/somewhat overwhelmed by the equipment I brought over, whoops! That 24-70 lens hood is quite intimidating. Nicole accompanied me both days to help me with the setup and come up with new ideas(thanks baby). The shot above was taken on the second day with Anastasia’s (the babys name) Air Force Ones baby sneakers. I had one shoot-through 42″ umbrella triggered with a wire just to the left of me about 6 feet high. The darken spot in the left bottom corner is a result of shadow caused by a heavy drawer we could’t move.
I think the shots turned out very well. I’m still in the process of finishing up about 25 pictures that I have narrowed down from about 300 so I’d say my keep rate is good( I’m uber picky).  Farrah was looking for a black & white sort of vintage looking shot so this is the final image(so far), I converted in photoshop cs4, used some levels and curves adjustment, clone out a bunch of ethernet cables coming out of the wall (that was a pain), and converted to black and white. Hope you guys like it. Thanks Farrah for letting me have the opportunity. Congratulations on your beautiful and healthy baby.

First Time

After spending so much time to get this wordpress blog started my friends showed me tumblr and all its kool features, many of which are similar to wordpress but in a more simplistic manner. I was contemplating maybe starting up a tumblr instead but we’ll see how this one works out for me first.

Today was the first time giving my Alienbees 800 a spin. I bought them used on craigslist and got a pretty good deal. I wished I had a softbox like my friends at Contour Hooligans but need to save up the $$$ first. I actually didn’t plan on using the Bees till the weekend especially after I got home today I pretty much KOed. But, heres what I got from playing around for an hour.

One of my goals in this blog other than talking about photography, keeping a record and posting up new pictures is to take a picture of the set up (after I get better) every time I post a new picture. I always run across a few blogs where I love the shots but don’t know how they took it. I’m not trying to steal their styles or techniques but rather learn and experiment from them.

The Setup:
One AlienBee 800 High Left

Let me know what you think ;]

Oh and by the way, the girl in this picture is Nicole who has been my wonderful girlfriend for almost 4 years :]


Okay, so I finally found a theme I liked. I’m going to try to keep this blog up to date as much as I can. I’m limited on space but I’ll try 1 picture a day and see how far that takes me. I guess this is sort of my keep track record to see how my photography progresses and if I can pull out a good image everyday somehow (except during finals). Let the journey begin!

PS. if you have any suggestions on how to improve my blogging, please let me know. Constructive criticism only.

Express Yourself for Everyone to See. Your world through your EYES.