Tag Archives: 24mm 1.4

It’s That Time Again…

It’s been almost a month since my last update. I’ve been super busy in terms of school-work-photography and haven’t had a chance to update, which is bad because blogging my photography endeavors has done so much for me. So here’s to starting again!

Here are some interesting photographs from things I have been doing in the last month or so:

Photoshoot with Edwin Santiago, featuring:
Ben Cohen; retired Professional Rugby player.
Photographer: Edwin Santiago
Lighting Coordinator: Me
Assisted by: Francis Rualo
Wardrobe & MA: Merci Lim

This (multi-million dollar) house was located at somewhere in Hollywood Hills. It has a great view of Los Angeles and even more so on this day since it just rained a few days ago. Ben was such a nice guy and he was in town promoting his brand “Stand Up” which is an effort against bullying. I was assisting Edwin Santiago in carge of lighting for this shoot which will hopefully be featured in a magazine next year. Lighting was basic, reflector, 2 strobes and natural light for many of the shots. I managed to grab some candids of today, it was a great experience.