Tag Archives: 5d Mark III

Nicole & Andrew Attalla Wedding

Congrats Nicole & Andrew! I actually took these a bit back but I never posted them. I had a huge blast at this wedding. Learned quite a few things from wedding such as how inconvenient it is to have a camera bag at times… This is my first time trying out the slideshow feature, let me know if it is inconvenient when viewing. Enjoy!

Back to my Blog!

After what I consider probably the toughest quarter I’ve had in sometime, I’m back! I have to admit using Instagram has really pushed me away from updating this blog more often than not. I didn’t do much photography the last few months but just last week I got to do something I’ve never done before! I had the opportunity to get on a helicopter and photograph Orange County! Did I mention I’m scared of heights?It actually wasn’t so bad, sure it was cold and windy but from thousands of feet in the air you don’t get that perspective of going 95mph+, it feels as if you are just cruising around at a gentle 35 mph. Photographing in a helicopter is much harder than I imagined it would be, you could compare it to photographing in a car going on the freeway at the same speed. Here are some tidbids from my trip. Thanks to Edwin for inviting me and thank you to Anaheim Helicopters for a wonderful experience! You can find them here on yelp: